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НовостиАрканзасСоединённые Штаты Америки • 2014-11-05

Выберите страну и тип объекта Arkansas resources, attractions appeal to growing number of retirees

Ample outdoor recreation opportunities, diverse cultural attractions and affordable housing are just three of the reasons retirees are relocating to The Natural State, according to Mark Fagan, department head emeritus for sociology and social work at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Ala. It’s a trend that translates into local dollars and solid economic development in communities across the state, Fagan explains.

“With Arkansas’s central location in the U.S., mild climate, outdoor beauty and strong university system, retirees find the state a natural fit for their needs,” says Fagan, who has researched retiree migration relocation and economic development for more than 30 years. Fagan served as the closing keynote speaker at the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism’s Arkansas Retirement Symposium, held October 30 in Little Rock.

“Retirees can help boost the local economy and increase the tax base without requiring large investments in the infrastructure or tax abatements in local communities. Retirees also increase the local tax base as a group, because they pay more in taxes than they cost in government services,” he says.

Fagan also notes that retirees are prime users of nondurable goods and services such as food, travel, recreation, entertainment and medical care. In addition, they increase the number of volunteers and contributors in local philanthropic and service organizations.

Many Arkansas towns and cities offer a variety of opportunities for retirees to become involved in a church, service group or other organization to help make connections with neighbors and peers. Fagan says these resources can also help retirees find a strong support system in a new environment.

Arkansas communities interested in promoting their area as a retirement destination can start by building upon existing tourism outreach efforts, says Fagan.

“Retirement development is an extension of tourism development,” says Fagan, noting that both tourists and retirees spend money that enhances commerce, creates jobs and produces revenue.

“In a sense, retirees become permanent tourists,” says Fagan. “They visit key attractions time and time again, also bringing in their family and friends to visit. Many retirees desire the amenities and culture of an urban area, but would prefer to avoid the congestion and fast pace of a larger metropolitan area. Arkansas meets both of these needs.”

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